The Vertical Method Seminar Series
Olympic Weightlifting Seminars
“Why learn the Vertical Method’
The best weightlifters in the world have a common aspect to their lifts…they keep the bar close and don’t “bump” the bar! “The Vertical Method”, developed by Rick Stebbins PT, CSCS, USAW, teaches you the key positions and techniques of all the great weightlifters to optimize your ability to keep the bar close. And keeping it close is critical to moving more weight, safely. This method also encompasses mobility/ stability assessment and correction, from a Physical Therapy perspective, specific to Olympic weightlifting.
Level I: Members/Trainers
Course Description:
This 3 hour course provides a basic overview of the Vertical Method for Olympic Weightlifting focused on technique. It is designed for all levels to help improve basic fundamental positions and movements for the 2 Olympic lifts, Snatch, and Clean/Jerk. It includes demonstration, video-analysis, participation, and a question/answer session. So come prepared to lift!
Class size is limited to 10-15 participants to allow for a greater one-on-one learning experience.
Topics Include:
- Safety
- Warm-up (Dynamic and Passive)
- Snatch Technique Progression
- Snatch Drills
- Clean and Jerk Technique Progression
- Clean/Jerk Technique drills
- ArthrometRX- Basic Faults and Corrective Exercises
- Assistance Exercises: (Pulls, Back, Front and Overhead Squat)
After completing this course you will have:
- An understanding of how to perform the Olympic lifts.
- Video analysis of your lifts.
- An understanding of your specific lifting and ArthrometRX faults.
- A list of drills to correct your specific lifting and ArthrometRX faults.
$200.00 for each participant. Must have a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants. Please call for more information.
Level II: Course for Trainers/ Coaches
Course Description:
This 8 hour course is designed for Trainers looking to improve their evaluation and teaching skills for Olympic Weightlifting using the Vertical Method. It includes lecture, demonstration, hands-on lab, participation and biomechanical and bar path video analysis. We will review Anatomy, Biomechanics and Common Injuries. Also, there will be in-depth instruction in both Olympic lifts, Snatch and Clean/Jerk technique, with a focus on biomechanical evaluation, positioning and proper Vertical motor patterns. Common faults for all aspects of the lifts (ArthrometRX) will be reviewed and exact exercise prescription for mobility, strength and neuromuscular patterning will be covered to correct these faults. Advanced programming for your athletes will be covered as well.
Topics Include:
- Safety
- Anatomy/ Biomchanics
- Warm-up (Dynamic and Passive)
- ArthrometRX- Analysis and Corrective Exercise Prescription
- Advanced Snatch and Clean/Jerk Progressions
- Technique Drills for both lifts
- Advanced Assistance Exercise
- Common Injuries
- Bar Path/ Body Path Video Analysis
- Advanced Programming
After completing this course you will have:
- Define common ArthrometRX faults.
- Define common weightlifting faults.
- Design an ArthrometRX program to improve body positions and movements.
- Administer drills to correct common weightlifting faults.
- Teach all aspects of Olympic Weightlifting.
$450.00 for each participant. Must have a minimum of 7 and maximum of 12 participants. Please call for more information.
Strength/Power Seminars for Schools
Course Description:
This 8 hour course is designed for High School/College coaches and trainers to enhance their strength/power based conditioning programs. They will review athletic biomechanical evaluation and ArthrometRX (corrective ex) to help athletes become more efficient and help reduce the risk of injury in the weight room and on the field. Then, through demonstration and participation, they will review basic sport-specific strength moves as well as both Olympic lifts to assure proper administration of technique.
For the second half of the seminar, the students will participate in groups of 10-15 to learn proper weightlifting technique and individual ArthrometRX (corrective ex) to aid coaches in preparing their athletes. Each athlete will learn to lift as safely and efficiently as possible.
Topics Include:
- Safety
- Athletic Biomechanics
- Sport-specific Strength Moves
- Olympic Weightlifting
- Athletic Evaluation
- ArthrometRX (Corrective Ex)
$450.00 for the full 8 hour day of teaching coaches and athletes. Each athlete will receive a series of ArthrometRX based on our evaluation for the coaches to administer.
Strength/Power Programming for Schools
Separately, we provide off-season and pre-season programming for individual teams.
Please call for pricing.